God told Joshua to meditate on His word every day, and in doing so, he would make his own way prosperous. Notice, it was God that gave Joshua this very important principle and practice. Meditating is taking some quiet time to focus on a specific truth. It is also speaking that truth to your own mind and heart. Jesus said His words are spirit and life (John 6:63). Meditating on God’s word every day not only keeps your heart and mind on important and eternal matters, but it also protects you from drifting away from God’s truths and principles to the enemy’s lies and deceit. Spend time in God’s word every day. This is your weapon to defeat your enemy, and it is health and life for your spirit and soul!
Heb 2:1 – “So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it”. NLT
Amen! Thank you Apostle Nazario, Good word! We get to decide what we meditate on! May we meditate on God’s word daily to keep our heart and minds right and keep us from falling away from the truth! In Jesus name! Amen! Hallelujah thank you God for Your holy word!