My New Year’s video declaration for you!

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It’s a new year, new opportunities,

2019 was an incredible year. Many challenges, victories, defeats, failures and successes. But now it’s time to look ahead. Faith is always forward looking. Faith is always NOW faith. Hebrews 11:1 says: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.

You will be challenged with Goliaths this year. However, it’s not how big your Goliath is. If your name is David, Goliath is going down. In other words, David was not intimidated by Goliath’s size or rants. He had a God sized faith. While others were running way or hiding from the giant, David ran to the giant and toppled him. He destroyed his influence over that environment and established a beachhead of faith and hope.

So the challenge this year is to have a new outlook. Problems will come. Challenges will confront you. But if you have a David or a Joshua mindset, you will overcome any obstacles and thrive this year.

The key is to not focus on the obvious issues that will always be present. There will always be prophets of doom and gloom. Our call is to bring glory to God, to share His love, to reveal His son in our midst. To multiply that which He has placed in our hands. We are already more that conquerers because Jesus already defeated the enemy. Now we stand in His victory. There will be lots of noise all around you. However, determine today to be a laser-focused individual who stands on His word and is a doer of God’s word. Let your light shine this year. God is good all the time, and His word promises us this in Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope”.

My prayer for you for this year is that God open the eyes of your understanding so that you would Cleary see who you are in Christ. That you would know His love for you. That you would know the authority that you already have been given to you in Christ.

You are not to just simply survive, you are to thrive. You are an overcomer. You are more than a conquerer in Christ. May the Lord Jesus be in the center of your life and all you do this year.

May you and your family have a wonderful, Blessed and prosperous 2020.

6 Replies to “My New Year’s video declaration for you!”

  1. Many Blessings Tio Victor May you continue to thrive in The Kingdom in the New Year and beyond. Bendiciones and Much Love.

  2. I went through deaths in my family and friends, but I never lose my faith to God. He help me go through it, I thank him. So Pastor thank you too for your words and your prayer. Amen

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