Nations fall without this!

Never before in my lifetime have I seen the a greater need for Godly wisdom and guidance in our nation. It is so vital to see that without His wisdom, an entire nation can fall. We need His wisdom and guidance in all areas of societal structures, including community, education, government, family, entertainment, religion and sports. Proverbs 29:18 (ERV) says: “If a nation is not guided by God, the people will lose self-control, but the nation that obeys God’s law will be happy”. We are seeing what it looks like as we get farther and farther from God’s laws. This is a wake-up call to this generation. Turn back to God. The voice of the Lord is crying out to the cities: repent; turn from your wicked ways; forsake evil and embrace His laws. Young man and woman, don’t embrace violence, hate and revenge. This will only destroy the very city that your children will be living in in the near future. Being a part of this violence will come back to haunt your very own future. Cease from evil and sow life. Embrace God’s wisdom and guidance so that our nation can continue to be that beacon of life and hope for future generations.

Proverbs 11:14 “Without wise leadership, a nation falls…..”

One Reply to “Nations fall without this!”

  1. TRUTH! AMEN! Glory to God He shall reign and rule and every name shall bow to the name of JESUS!! Thank you Apostle Nazario!

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