Proteje tu vida mental y propósito!

El yelmo de la salvación es la parte de la armadura de Dios que protege tu cabeza. Piénsalo. ¿Qué hay en tu cabeza? Por supuesto, tu cerebro y tu vida mental. Necesitamos renovar nuestra mente reemplazando todo el “pensamiento apestoso” que hemos desarrollado a lo largo de nuestras vidas, tales como pensamientos de derrota, miedo, desesperanza, desesperación, ofensa, odio, adoración de ídolos, etc. Parte de la salvación es Dios revelando a una nueva vida con nuevos pensamientos y un nuevo propósito y destino. El enemigo siempre atacará tu propósito y tu vida mental. Determina ponerte la armadura de Dios todos los días para cerrar los ataques del enemigo. ¡Tus armas de guerra son poderosas a través de Dios para derribar fortalezas!

Efesios 6:17 Y toma el yelmo de la salvación y la espada del Espíritu, que es la palabra de Dios


Your most powerful weapon!

Have you ever stopped to think about the armor of God? Most all of the armor is defensive. It protects different parts of the body. However, you cannot attack your enemy with the armor. It’s only defensive. But God is so awesome that He also provides us a powerful weapon to attack and defeat your enemy. It’s the sword of the Spirit. You can take down your enemy with your sword. God’s word is our sword to defeat our enemy. That is why it is absolutely vital to know the word of God for yourself. God is faithful to His word. He honors His word. You can trust Him and His word. Look what it says in Psalms 138:2 in the Amplified version: “I will worship toward Your holy temple and praise Your name for Your loving-kindness and for Your truth and faithfulness; for You have exalted above all else Your name and Your word and You have magnified Your word above all Your name!” God honors His word to the degree that He even magnifies His word above all His Name. Prioritize His word in your life. It is literally your weapon to defeat the enemy. Even Jesus used the word when He was tempted by Satan in the desert. meditate on that!

Ephesians 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;