There are many who get easily impressed with “anointed” people. Yet we are continuously seeing “anointed” ministers fall from grace in the news. We all have gifts given to us from God. Your gifts can take you to great heights, but if you do not have character, your gifts won’t be able to keep you there. Only character and integrity can keep you in the tough places. The Scriptures reveal leaders like Samson, who had an amazing anointing, yet fell into immorality. But when you look at a person like Joseph, who even though was tempted, lied about and deceived, still ended up prospering in any and every challenge. Why? Because he was a man of character and integrity. Samson didn’t build up his inner man and as a result, succumbed to temptations and suffered devastation and loss (Judges 16:1).
Here are some steps to a strong inner man:
Meditate on God’s word constantly. (Are we disciplined or just gifted?).
We must develop a strong, effective, fervent, consistent prayer life.
We must begin to act and walk in faith. Faith without works is dead (James 2).
Always be alert.
Stand firm in the faith.
Walk in love (1 John 4: 7-8).
Live righteously (Psalms 24: 4-5).
Be faithful and steady. Hasty and impetuous people sin and miss the mark (Prov. 20: 28).
Seek God’s wisdom daily (Prov: 8:32-36).
Hebrews 6:11-12 “And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises”
Phillipians 2:22 “But you know his proven character, that as a son with his father he served with me in the gospel”