4 Replies to “Powerful Prayer Truths Part 2”

  1. Thank you,Pastor Victor for this video short. Recently heard your sermon titled “The Prayer Mandate” It was what I needed to hear. Reinforced what I have been learning about how powerful Prayer is and that we must continue to pray throughout the day. This special communication we have with God, our Heavenly, Abba Father, is a gift, a privilege and this Part 2 reassures us of how much God wants this for His children to PRAY!!! To communicate,converse,talk,etc. To pray not as strangers , but to have the relationship that Jesus showed He had with His Father when he himself prayed as His only begotten son.
    We have to pray for everything and anything just like Jesus did. Praise God! Yes we have Jesus who taught us how to pray and interceded for us . In addition, we have many others, like Daniel, David,Joseph,Abraham,etc. who prayed without ceasing, but communicated with their Father God, laying it all at His feet, crying out to Him,praying with authority, praying for His will to be done in all different circumstances. And that’s what we all need to do. PRAY!!!! Communicate with YOUR Heavenly Father….Always. He is listening, even if you are praying from inside an elevator, in a bus or train, while waiting for a cab, or while on your knees crying out to him from your home, or walking in your neighborhood or in a park, even at your workplace, or in a clinic or a nursing home, or at church….Our Father is there for us to talk to Him. Glory to God. Blessed be His Name!

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