Scriptural wisdom is a powerful life giving defense!

The word defense means: capability of resisting attack; means or method of defending or protecting oneself, one’s team, or another. Defense therefore is an extremely important capability. Ecclesiastes 7:12 says: “For wisdom is a defense as money is a defense, But the excellence of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it.” So when it comes to defense, both money and wisdom are strategic elements to effective defense. Our nation invests multiplied millions of dollars on fully loaded fighter planes and battle cruisers to protect the nation. Although it costs so much, it’s still a worthwhile investment. Just as money is a defense, wisdom also protects us from committing stupid acts that can hurt us or get us killed. . Wisdom can also get us out of dangerous situations. Ephesians 6 speaks of the armor of God. Most all of the armor is defensive in nature (soldier’s armor), but one element is for attack purposes, and that is the sword of the spirit. Think about it….that is the word of God which is the wisdom of God. His wisdom can protect us, but it will also give life eternal to those who believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ! If I had to pick one, I’d go with wisdom each and every time, because if you have wisdom, you can always acquire money, but many who have money, lack the kind of wisdom that will give them life eternal. What is your priority?

Ecclesiastes 7:12 “For wisdom is a defense as money is a defense, But the excellence of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it”

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