So it’s the day after Thanksgiving. Now what?

So it’s the day after Thanksgiving. Many resume their busy schedules which don’t leave them any time to thank God, to pray or to meditate on His word. Thanksgiving is only a holiday for them. It was the same way during Jesus’ earthly ministry. There were many religious people around Him. He knew their hearts. In Matthew 15:8, Jesus said: These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me”. Wow, that is very revealing. My question to you today is: Are you praising God with a grateful heart every day? Are you mixing your daily praise with genuine thanksgiving? Our Lord Jesus knows our hearts, and gratitude and thanksgiving pleases HIm. It pleases Him when we thank Him on Thanksgiving day, but true thanksgiving is an everyday relational experience, and thankful people will see all of the hidden blessings all around them, while the unthankful will miss God’s greater blessings. Remember this: This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalms 118:24), even the day after Thanksgiving is the day to praise Him and be thankful!

5 Replies to “So it’s the day after Thanksgiving. Now what?”

  1. Hallelujah! Glory to GOD! Truth! Honoring God with their mouths but hearts far away! Jesus Himself spoke these words! People of God lets be careful! Thank you Apostle Nazario! These devotionals continue to bless and encourage me in my walk with The King – Jesus!

  2. Amen Pastor. Thanksgiving is about the love of God, family and friends💞

    It’s the reason Eli and I chose to get married in the month of November. We are soo grateful for God being in the center of our lives😇

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving weekend.

  3. Amen I am grateful for everything he does for me and I praise and give him Thanks 🙏🏻 every day, he is Worthy of the Honor,Glory and Praise
    Have A Bless Weekend Pastor Victor along with the Family 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🙌🙌

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