Sometimes we have to simply trust and wait for the manifestation of the promise

When Joshua and Caleb declared that they were ready to take the land, the other spies said they can’t because they feared the people who lived in the land. God honored Joshua and Caleb, but all of the other complaining spies died of a plague. What we don’t speak about is that Joshua and Caleb had to be patient to obtain their inheritance. They waited 40 years for the manifestation of the promise. There will be times where one simply has to trust God and wait for the manifestation of the promise. When God promised you something, you can take it to the bank. But be reminded that not every promise will be instantaneous. Some will take time to be revealed. Let patience have its perfect work in you today.

Numbers 13:30 – Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.” *

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