Sometimes you have to stand alone!

There are times that we will have to learn how to be obedient to God, even though it may cost you important relationships.  Standing with God, by its very nature, means standing alone from time to time because of your distinctive principles and decisions.

As you serve God in the midst of your family and friends, know that there will be times where you will model to them what it is to walk in righteousness. People are looking to see genuine Christ followers in this day. Are you one of them?

Matthew 19:29 “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life”

5 Replies to “Sometimes you have to stand alone!”

  1. I lost many friends when I got saved but I never turned back and realized they were really never my friends. …

    Amen Pastor

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