Strong, committed faith!

I know strong, committed believers who were raised in church who told told me that even though they were raised in church, they really were not committed at that time. As they grew up, they left the church family to pursue their dreams and desires. However, at some point in their lives, they realized the error of their ways, and turned to God wholeheartedly. They found “their own faith in God.” It was no longer their parent’s faith only. Yes, in life you may struggle with your faith. You might have gone astray. But always remember, the Father is waiting for you with open arms. He loves you more than you’ll ever know. He is waiting for you to come home. Today is that perfect day. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead the way. The Lord already cleared the way for you. Come, let’s worship the Lord together in this Christmas season!

Psalms 119:67 “Before I was afflicted I went astray, But now I keep Your word”

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