This will set you free!

The Lord Jesus revealed a powerful revelation of access to the Father. John 14:6 (TPT), says: “Jesus explained, “I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with me. To know me is to know my Father too”. He uses three powerful descriptions: way, truth, life. The word way means: route road, access, door. Jesus is the access to the Father. The word Truth means: actuality, fact, fidelity to a standard. Jesus is the standard of fact and truth. He is Life. We derive our life from Him. He is our source. Jesus didn’t say He is a way. He said He is THE way, THE truth, THE life. It is through union with Him that we have access to the Father. It is through Him that real truth is revealed. He is THE Truth. Through Him, we have real life. New Life. Eternal Life. Life in abundance. And as part of this new life, we also receive the privilege of adoption into His family. so be reminded today, we shall know THE truth and THE truth shall set us free!.


We are God’s hands!

One of the great privileges we get is to be God’s hands in this world. In other words, we get to express His love to this world by our actions of love and grace. One of the ways we get to do this is to be kind to the poor. When we give to the poor, it blesses God’s heart, and He rewards us when we do so. Proverbs 19:17 (ISV) says: “Whoever is kind to the poor is lending to the Lord— the benefit of his gift will return to him in abundance”. Notice that it says the gift to the poor will return to us in abundance! We can never out-give God. He is MOST generous, and when He sees that we are righteously representing Him, He will continue to resource us with abundant provision so that we could continue to be generous with others. 2 Corinthians 9:8 & 11(NLT) says: “AndGod will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous”. Most people know what it is to be in need. And when someone blesses you when you are in need, it’s like a cold glass of water in a hot, desert day!. Now it’s your turn. Who are you going to bless? Or let me put it this way: Who is God going to bless through you?