God Himself instructed us to do this!

There is a verse where God speaks directly to His people. He gives them instructions which, if they obey Him, He will hear them, forgive them, and release healing on their land. Here it is. Make sure you read it several times:
2 Chronicles 7:14 “If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Did you read it several times. First He says: “If my people…” He is speaking to us! This is for the church! The first thing He commands us to do is to “HUMBLE OURSELVES!” Arrogance and pride must not exist among us! The second thing is: PRAY. Are we praying for our families, our church, our community, our nation, or are we only complaining about everything around us? Pray more and complain less! the third thing is: SEEK HIS FACE. That means that it has to be a priority to us. Instead of seeking only material things, we need to seek Him first. The rest shall be added. The final instruction is: TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS. this denotes repentance and. genuine turning away from our sinful habits (actions, words, thoughts, intents). If we would genuinely obey God in these four instructions, we would experience a supernatural manifestation of healing, restoration, joy, and answer to our prayers. Don’t wait for others. Start this process yourself. God sees our individual actions, and He will respond to the one who obeys these instructions!

This is what will stop contentions!

There is much debate in this nation as to how words can stir up anger, hatred and strife. This is such a powerful truth. Proverbs 15:18 (AMP) says: “A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, But he who is slow to anger and patient calms disputes.” Another version (AMPC) says: “he who is slow to anger appeases contention”. When we let anger take over our mental and emotional states, it removes the logical and common sense filters that allow us to “think before speaking or acting”. We then go on a word or action tirade, and once it’s finished, the damage is done. We have probably hurt others with our words or actions, and might even have destroyed relationships. In some cases, people can lose their job, their spouse, a friend, and in some cases, even land in jail for hurting or even killing someone in a fit of rage. Ephesians 4:26 (EHV) says:“ Be angry, yet do not sin.” Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry”. It’s not a sin to be angry. What is a sin is if you allow your anger to control your actions, thoughts and decisions, thus causing you to do things that are sinful in nature. Anger can be used constructively. You can break a bad habit if you get angry enough to begin the process of breaking the habit. In many cases, people will not do anything about a problem until they have had it and they can’t take it any more. Anger is a good servant but a bad master. So instead of immediately  giving in to anger, be slow to anger. Let patience have it’s work in the midst of the challenges of life. In doing so, you will be known as the person who can appease or calm potentially dangerous contentions and disputes. This way, issues will be resolved instead of relationships being destroyed. God is the God of peace, not of dissension and contention! We are His people, so let’s flow with His nature!