He is asking for your commitment!

You can see in the scriptures verses like: “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart,” or “Love the Lord with all of your heart,” etc. This speaks of commitment. Commitment is when you “obligate or bind yourself” to someone or something. This is when you are “all in.” God is totally committed to His word, and when we trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation, He is totally committed to the promises that He gave us in the scriptures. He has “obligated” Himself by His word to do for us what He promised. He honors His word! In Proverbs 16:3 (NLT) it says: “Commit your actions to the Lordand your plans will succeed.” When we commit our lives and actions to the Lord, the Holy Spirit opens our understanding, and we receive strategies and wisdom from God’s word that line up our actions in a way that will produce good success. The Holy Spirit shows us the way to go, the things to invest in, and the people to connect with. This will ensure that we reap effectively. Have you truly committed your life and actions to the Lord, or are you still doing things all by yourself without inviting God’s wisdom into your life? If you haven”t, what are you waiting for?

Proverbs 16:3 (NLT)Commit your actions to the Lordand your plans will succeed.”