Who will take advantage of this opportunity?

Have you ever failed to take advantage of a great opportunity? Later on, regret might have set in as you realized what you missed out on. Ephesians 5:16 (TPT) says: “Take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for his purposes.” Everywhere you look, you can see how people are trying to take advantage of you. You can see it in commercials where corporations are incessantly trying to sell you something. You can see it in the daily robo-calls promoting every kind of product or service. Even some of our family try to take advantage of us.  2 Corinthians 2:11 confirms that satan also attempts to take advantage of us: “Lest Satan should take advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” It’s time that you realize that God has given us discernment and wisdom to be able to take advantage of every day and maximize the resources and relationships that He has blessed us with. This will allow us to be pleasing to Him, and we could also be effective ministers where He has rooted us. Determine today to not allow the enemy to take advantage of you. Instead, you take advantage of every opportunity. The Holy Spirit will show you how to do so as you seek Him and ask for daily wisdom.

Ephesians 5:16 (TPT) “Take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for his purposes.”

Is it an opportunity or a crisis?

Opportunities and crises sometime look very similar. When the twelve spies came back to give their report to all the Israelites, ten of them said that they simply could not take the land because giants were present. Two of the spies said the land was delightful and they were ready to take the land. For the ten spies, it had become a crisis. for Joshua and Caleb, it was a lifetime opportunity. Proverbs 10:5 says: “Know the importance of the season you’re in and a wise son you will be. But what a waste when an incompetent son sleeps through his day of opportunity!” A crisis or an opportunity is a time when a decision has to be made. There has to be some kind of change, shift or action to be able to resolve the crisis, or to take advantage of the opportunity. Crises many times arise because of bad decisions or past bad management of our resources. The good thing is that crises can be moments for course correction. If we do heed the moment and “course correct,” we can effectively come out the better for it. If we embrace the opportunity, we can greatly profit from actively engaging in the right time and season. Whether it is a crisis or an opportunity, our actions will determine whether we leave that experience in victory or defeat, with more or less, with great memories or regrets. Well, is it a crisis, or an opportunity?