Who should we listen to?

Who should we listen to? This is important because we can only respond to our future and to our challenges with the knowledge that we currently possess. If we don’t have the right information, it can be disastrous to us. The other day the network news reported that a police officer entered her home and found someone in her apartment. She shot and killed the alleged “intruder”. However, it turned out that she had entered her neighbor’s apartment and killed an innocent man!  Wrong information and understanding can and will hurt you and others. Therefore, we absolutely need to make sure: (1)to read the Word and seek God’s wisdom, (2) our information is correct, and (3)surround ourselves with the right people in order to get sound advice, wisdom and information. Ecclesiastes 7:5 (GW) says: “It is better to listen to wise people who reprimand you than to fools who sing your praises”. The Amplified version of Ecclesiastes 7:5 says it this way: “It is better to listen to the rebuke of the wise man and pursue wisdom Than for one to listen to the song of fools and pursue stupidity”. We are all connected to many people, whether at work, in our community, family and even church. This means that we are always hearing many pieces of advice or information. The challenge is to filter out any and all foolish and wrong information, and accept only the wisdom and understanding that will help us to make the right decisions and live a righteous life. Don’t follow the crowds. Seek wise people and receive their advice and corrections. It will be life and health to you, and you will be able to pursue the paths that will be pleasing to God and benefit your family!

Before destruction, this is present!

Disagreement is normal to humans. We are full of ideas, points of view and different perspectives. It is during these these times that truth is an anchor, and can help to settle disagreements. We know that God’s word is truth, and we can lean on His word to settle our disputes. However, there are those that will fight against God’s word. They feel that their perspective is right, and they will fight to the bitter end to have their way. This is where pride can cause great destruction in one’s life (Proverbs 16:18 ” Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall”). Conversely, there are those who receive advice and correction from the word as well as godly mentors. The scriptures reveal that these people are wise. Are you one who is always trying to get his or her way no matter what, or are  you able to humble yourself and receive from God’s word and from others? Remember: There is wisdom in taking sound advice!

Proverbs 13:10 – Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.