He came to give us life, and life in abundance! 

Psalm 91:16
“With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation” 

In John 10:10, Jesus revealed to us that He came to give life, and life in abundance. Abundance means: plentifulness, profusion, wealth, affluence. When we are in God’s will, He will give us enough for us, but He also gives us more so that we can be generous and reflect the love of God as we share His love in tangible ways. He also gives us life with peace, joy, fulfillment, purpose, wonderful relationships in the Kingdom of God and influence in our sphere of influence. This gives us a wonderful and abundant life. Not only that, He also gives us eternal life in Christ. Wow! What an awesome God! 

Also, In Christ He gives us eternal salvation. He delivers us from the power of darkness and translates us to the Kingdom of His dear Son (Colossians 1:13)