This too shall pass

2 Chronicles 7:14 says: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land”. Several points speak powerfully to me during this crisis.

  1. “If my people”. He is not speaking to those who don’t know nor serve Him. He is talking to the church. We have an incredibly important role to play in this day. 
  2. This is a time where we need to humble ourselves before God and seek Him with all of our hearts. This is the power posture!
  3. Prayer is not an option. We must pray, not just during a crisis, but every day. However, to not pray during a crisis is truly missing the mark and losing a powerful opportunity to be salt and light in your community.
  4. We need to repent before God for our sins and the sins of our nation. We have to stand in the gap for our nation.
  5. God promises that He will hear our prayers. Healing is the children’s bread.

God’s power has not gone away. We need to keep our focus on His promises and refuse to allow all of the noise, inflammatory rederick, false and misleading news, etc to distract us. This will only create unneeded stress, worry and fear. The scriptures instruct us to “fear not”! Jesus taught us not to worry! We are to “live by faith and not by sight”! The love of Jesus was so powerful that He did not avoid the sick and in-firmed. He went to where they were and healed them. We now have His Spirit within us. Because of this, we should be able to sleep in peace, even in the midst of temporary storms just like Jesus did. We should also see this crisis as an opportunity to share God’s love with our family and friends. Even if we have to limit our personal social gathering with others for a short period of time, we could still minister to others by phone, Facetime, Facebook, Instagram, Email and other great technological processes. Don’t disconnect; It’s time to reconnect! As you pray for others, God’s promise will become a reality for many in your sphere of influence. “…..I will forgive their sin and heal their land”

Remember: This too shall pass!