3 things to do for a more simpler, joyful life

Life today is too complicated. There is just too much drama. And it’s all linked to pride, the comparison trap, ego and hatred among other things. All of these are works of the flesh. Whoever decides to live scripturally will live a simpler, easier and more joyful life. The Apostle Paul taught the believers in the city of Thessalonica these 3 principles:

“Do all you can to live a peaceful life. Mind your own business, and earn your own living, as we told you before” (1 Thessalonians 4:11, ERV).

Imagine if all of us would strive to live a peaceful life instead of arguing, fighting, gossiping, hating and trying to be better than others? How would that affect our communities? What if we would simply mind our own business and earn our own living? Wouldn’t that stop most of the arguments and divisions? It’s time to obey and live by the scriptures instead of living like the world! And the most important thing about this is that it starts with us. Instead of complaining about the way everyone else is living, it’s best to simply begin to live it it out and model it among our families and communities. Hey, it’s a new year so this is a perfect time to start, isn’t it?

Stop the arguments already!

Disagreements happen all the time. Everyone has an individual point of view. We all want  to be heard. Most of the time we want people to agree with our viewpoints. However, the truth is that people will disagree with us much of the time.  This is normal and it is why we need policies, laws and courts. Some of the time, we can iron out our differences by discussing our views and resolving our issues. The Lord Jesus taught us if we have a disagreement with another person, the right thing to do is to go directly to them and speak to them about the issue (Matthew 18:15). Actually, it is honorable when we can put arguments to rest. Proverbs 20:3 (TPT) says: “A person of honor will put an argument to rest. Only the stupid want to pick a fight.” When I was young, I hated when a bully would come and push me, trying to goad me into a fight. He was trying to pick a fight. Most of the time, I would walk away. Sometimes, the bully would continue to walk toward me trying to pick a fight, but when I would  refuse to fight him, he would eventually give up. The message Bible has an interesting take on this. In Proverbs 30:33 (MSG), it says: “If you’re dumb enough to call attention to yourself by offending people and making rude gestures, Don’t be surprised if someone bloodies your nose. Churned milk turns into butter; riled emotions turn into fist fights”. We can either be a peacemaker, or allow ourselves to to be caught up in never-ending arguments and offenses. One mindset comes from the flesh, pride and arrogance. The other comes from a mature, honorable mindset that pleases God and promotes peace and restoration. Choose this day which path you will follow.

Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God”.