Citizenship in this kingdom has awesome benefits

I once had the privilege to witness for a man who was becoming a citizen of the United States. He and his wife were so happy and overjoyed to finally become citizens. I had always taken my citizenship for granted until I heard his story, and his profound gratitude to be able to become a citizen. It was at that moment that I realized that it was a privilege to be a citizen. This is an awesome opportunity as well as a great responsibility. As citizens, we represent our country and our fellow citizens. We are responsible to do out part so that our communities are safe and well taken care of. We have to pay taxes so that the infrastructure, parks and landscapes can be well maintained. We have to show up to Jury Duty when asked to. If there is war, we even have to join the military to protect our country. In the same we, in Christ, we have become citizens of the Kingdom of God. In this Kingdom the  authorized ruler is the King of Kings Himself. We also have fellow citizens and members of the household of God (Ephesians 2:19). Since you are a kingdom citizen, you have great benefits. You are a child of God. You are seated in Heavenly places with the King. You have great authority to work and serve in the kingdom. You are recognized in this kingdom. Even the enemies of this kingdom recognize your authority, and have to flee from you. You are a royal priesthood in the kingdom. Your citizenship can never be revoked. You are well protected in this kingdom. You are a co-heir with Christ in this kingdom. This kingdom has the best health plan, because by His stripes you were healed. The King in this kingdom is truthful, honorable, faithful, and all-powerful. And on top of that, He loves you with an eternal love. Yes, being a citizen in this Kingdom has amazing and eternal benefits!

Ephesians 2:19 “Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God.”

Bless the Lord, O my soul!

When the phrase “bless” the Lord is used in Psalms 103, it is used to praise, glorify and speak well of Almighty God. It is not only right to bless and praise Him every day. It is also necessary for us to do so, because in praising and worshiping Him, we are remembering His goodness, His kindness, His blessings and benefits that He bestows on us every day. David “blessed” the Lord every day. He would even remind His soul to bless the Lord and not forget all His benefits (Psalms 103). He had developed a discipline of blessing the Lord every single day. Whatever we focus and speak about every day, stays close to our heart. This is a powerful principle. God told Joshua to meditate on His word every day so that he could prosper in all that God had given him to do.  The Lord Jesus told us to pray the “Our Father” every day. It’s time to ensure that part of our daily disciplines include “Blessing” the Lord every day. He has to be number one in our lives. This way, we will never forget what and who is really important in our lives.

Psalms 103: 1-2Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits”