Can you see the light?

Knowledge and wisdom is only good and effective if we use and apply it. King David asked God to give him understanding of his precepts and guiding principles so that he could meditate and focus his thoughts on them. This is important because most people are deceived and think that what they are being taught by TV, their professors, their friends and family is the absolute truth. There is also a strong re-education and brainwashing taking place on a national level where some in high places are forcing us to believe a strong delusion and lie. It is more important than ever that we ask God to “open the eyes” of our understanding so that we can truly walk in the “light” of God’s wisdom and understanding. Have you been taking what you know and what you are being taught as “truth”? Or are you observing the strong winds of change with open eyes? I counsel you to ask God to give you understanding of His guiding principles so that you can truly walk in the “light” of His knowledge and help others to “see the light”.

Psalm 119: 27 (AMP) “Make me understand the way of Your precepts (guiding principles), So that I will meditate (focus my thoughts) on Your wonderful works”.