How to live a care-free life!

We all have cares, problems, stress, issues and challenges in life. There is no such thing as a stress-free life. Most people carry their cares upon their shoulders and will not ask for help. 1 Peter 5:7 lets us know that we can cast all of our care upon our Heavenly Father, becase He cares for us. This makes such sense! Imagine that you have a 50 lb. piece of furniture that needs to be moved to another room. On your own, that would be either very difficult, or even impossible. However, if you were to ask someone for help, they can help you carry that load quite easily. One person can lift one side of the furniture, and you can lift the other side and together both of you can move the load. It’s the same way with your cares. God tells you today that He is with you and will carry your cares if you give it to Him. When you “cast something,” it leaves you and lands somewhere else. If you cast your care on the Lord, you will feel great relief because you will no longe feel the weight of the burden on your shoulders. It’s time to cast your care upon the Lord, because He cares for you!

 1 Peter 5:7 “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”

Lean upon His strength!

I am saddened that in the midst of this joyous season, there are so many who are battling depression, or some other major issue that zaps their joy and peace. The Psalmist reminds us today to cast any and all burdens on the Lord. Ask God today for new strength. Ask Him to restore the joy of your salvation. The joy of the Lord is your strength, so that is what the enemy targets. If he can get your joy, he will be able to take away your strength. Do not give in to him. Let the Lord sustain you in this season. He will give you the strength to overcome any anguish, problem, challenge or tribulation you might be experiencing. Greater is He that is within you!!!

Psalms 55:22Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.”