Receive rest today!

I have spoken to many brethren who are struggling in their lives in this day. They are carrying heavy loads and burdens. Some burdens are financial, some are health related, some are relational, and some are spiritual. The scriptures have some good news for us today. In Matthew 11:28 (CEB), it says: “Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest”. We will always have issues to deal with, bills to pay, challenges with our important relationships and spiritual attacks, but one thing is certain: His promises are yes and amen. For every challenge, we have a promise. Not only do we have a promise, the one who promised us is faithful to His word! He is with us and will help us with all of our burdens. He will deliver us from the enemy’s attacks, and He will meet all of our need according to His riches in Glory! Be comforted today and enter into His rest.