Are you experiencing “Perfect Peace?”

Peace is not the absence of trouble or turmoil. It is a quiet confidence within you even in the midst of these times of trouble. The Lord Jesus was in a boat with the disciples when all of the sudden, a storm broke out (Mark 4:36-40). the storm got so bad that the disciples thought that they were going to perish. Meanwhile, Jesus was sleeping in the back of the boat. They woke Jesus out of His sleep, and even told Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” He rebuked the storm and everything calmed down. Consider this, the disciples thought they were perishing, yet Jesus was sleeping……in the midst of a storm. He had peace even in the midst of a condition where others were in panic and thought they were going to die! Today, God reminds you that He gives us His perfect peace. Do not let your heart be troubled. Even in the midst of a storm, God is there with you and the storm will NOT overtake you! Let Him give you courage and strength today!

John 14:27 (AMP)Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.]”

Tell me again, who are you walking with?

A Spanish proverb says: Tell me who you walk with, and I’ll tell you who you are. That is actually very close to what the scriptures say. Proverbs 13:20 (ERV) says: “Be friends with those who are wise, and you will become wise. Choose fools to be your friends, and you will have trouble.” We do not have the power to choose our biological family, but we have the power to chose our friends. I remember when I first became a pastor, I realized that I needed to learn a lot more than just theory. So I began to gather with established pastors and bishops. I went to where they were. I even went to closed meetings without permission, but since I was really hungry to spend time with wise, experienced pastors, I took the chance of being rejected and thrown out. To my surprise, they allowed me to be part of their gatherings. I have to tell you that it was one of the best decisions that I ever made. I learned so much in those years, just by spending time with wise men and women. Are you purposely seeking out “wise” friends? Do your friend make you wiser, or are you the smartest one in the room? If you are the smartest one in the room, you need to change that. You can’t learn anything if you don’t challenge yourself by purposely gathering with those that are already living and serving successfully in the place where you desire to be one day be. Make an assessment today of your “friends and associates,” and if you are in the company of fools, run out of there and get new friends and associates. Remember, hanging out with fools will get you in trouble, but spending time with those who are wise, will cause you to become wise yourself.

Proverbs 13:20 (ERV) says: Be friends with those who are wise, and you will become wise. Choose fools to be your friends, and you will have trouble.