He listens and delivers!

There are times in our lives where we don’t have any answers or response to challenges and problems that come before us. King David had many huge issues, challenges and problems as a king. It was during these times that he would cry out to God for insight and wisdom. Psalm 119:169 (NET) says: “Listen to my cry for help, O Lord! Give me insight by your word!” He trusted God in the most difficult of circumstances, whether it was a giant that he had to face, or when his own team wanted to stone him. He always went to God in worship and prayer. God always responded to him, whether it was through His word, or through a prophet, God was faithful to give him the insight or strategy he needed at that moment. You might be in a similar situation right now. Most would just allow stress, worry, fear and anxiety to overtake them. But God reminds you today that He is with you, and strategy and wisdom are on their way. He has listened to your cry and prayers, and He will give you the insight and strategy you need.

Psalm 81:7 “You called in trouble, and I delivered you; I answered you in the secret place of thunder”