With my whole heart! (also, a gift at the end of the devotional)

Before you read this devotional, I want to let you know that I have a gift for you at the end, so make sure you get it. Blessings. Pastor Victor

David understood the importance of walking with God with his whole heart! God is not interested in half-hearted relationships. Jesus was fully engaged when He went to the cross. He had a chance to walk away in the garden of Gesthemane, but He stayed true to the course and went all the way to the cross. We are the Bride of Christ. This means marriage and commitment! Dating is fun, but you can walk away at any time. Marriage however, is full commitment. The Lord Jesus  calls us His bride. the Heavenly Father calls us His children. Both these statements reveal complete commitment! I don’t have to take care of a stranger’s child, but I am fully commited to take care of my children. God loves us completely and wholly. We must do no less. Today, assess where your heart is. Is God in the center of your heart, or are other things more important than Him? Be like David who loved God with all of his heart!

Psalm 119:69 (part B) I will keep Thy precepts with my whole heart.

Click here for my gift to you!

Greater things are on their way!

I’ve heard this thought so many times from parents: “I want my child to do better and to reach greater heights than me.” I feel the same way. Parents feel so proud when their children accomplish great things. They will show you their pictures and videos, and will talk all day long about the successes of their children, It’s as if they themselves had achieved those victories. Well, guess what: God, who is the perfect Father, wants you to do great things! In Matthew 7:11, Jesus said: “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” Your Heavenly Father has blessed you with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. He has already empowered you to live victoriously in this life. You have been “born again.” You now have His DNA. Jesus said we would do greater things: “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, anyone who believes in Me [as Savior] will also do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these [in extent and outreach], because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12 (AMP). Note that He said we would do greater things than He did “in extent and outreach.” As part of His Body, we will go to places He never went in His earthly ministry. We will heal more people than He did because His Body is all over the world. You are part of His Body. He has already empowered you. Your heavenly Father has already authorized you. It’s time to reject any hindering thoughts, past failures, negative words, fears and doubts, and begin to be who God already authorized you to be. There are many who are waiting for you to show up as God’s ambassador and release the life-giving anointing and gifting that is within you! Your heavenly Father will be very pleased with your successes and victories. Your victories are His victories!