your confidence has great reward!

In life, there will be times that people and circumstances come against us. The scriptures reveal how God’s servants went through many problems and persecutions. However, with God on their side, they were delivered time and time again. Romans 8:31 (AMP) says: “What then shall we say to all these things? If God is for us, who can be [successful] against us”? It confirms that we will be challenged, but it also says “who will be successful against us”? so it is not that we will never have problems. The point is that these issues, challenges and persecutions will NOT be successful against us. The key is not to give up or give in. Galations 6:9 says: “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not”. Hebrews 10: 35, 36 “So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised”. Continue to stand in your faith in Christ. Your breakthrough is on its way!

Those who listen will succeed!

Success in God’s Kingdom is different from what the world considers success. Many today view success as being famous and making a lot of money. Whereas, in the Kingdom of God, good success is accomplishing what God has placed in our hands. It’s accomplishing our purpose in life, and this purpose provides eternal benefits to those around us. Also, God is pleased when we accomplish his purpose, and calls us “good and faithful servants.”  Proverbs 16:20 (EXB) says: “Whoever listens to what is taught [has insight] will succeed [prosper], and whoever trusts the Lord will be happy [blessed].” Notice that the verse highlights the importance of being teachable. If we “listen to what is taught,” this will give us divine perspective and insight, and it will cause us to prosper. Insight is a deeper kind of wisdom and intuition that lets you see beyond the current circumstances or conditions. People with this kind of insight can spot hidden opportunities. They can also endure strong opposition  or criticism because they can see the benefits beyond the current struggle. And this eventually leads them to overcome and thrive in the midst of difficult and uncertain conditions. When we trust the Lord, we are asking Him to take the steering wheel of our lives and help us to navigate through the current storms or processes of life. When we do that, we will be blessed indeed!

Proverbs 16:20 (EXB) “Whoever listens to what is taught [has insight] will ·succeed [prosper], and whoever trusts the Lord will be happy [blessed].”