God promises divine protection for them!

One of the blessings of our faithful Heavenly Father is that of divine protection. God promises to protect those who faithfully follow Him and live out their lives with integrity. Your confidence in God and love for God is never in vain. Even though people criticize your faith and integrity, God values your faithfulness. Today, God reminds you that He has seen your love for Him, and your valuable service in his Kingdom. You are precious to Him!  God will fully repay those who have persecuted or criticized your life of faith. There is coming a day when you will even receive apologies from some of them. Always remember, our God is Faithful!

Psalm 31:23 “Love the Lord, all you faithful followers of his! The Lord protects those who have integrity, but he pays back in full the one who acts arrogantly”.

Praise God, there is hope!

The word hope means: “to expect with confidence, trust, to desire with expectation of obtainment or fulfillment”. There are many in this world who have lost their hope. That is unfortunate because when one loses hope, one loses their joy and expectation of a better future. Well, I have good news for you. God is the God of hope, and as long as you are alive, God can shift things for you. He can turn things around in a moment. But its vital that you not lose hope. Romans 8:25 reveals that as long as we have hope, we have the strength to persevere. And in Romans 12:12, it tells us that hope causes us to rejoice. Today, our Heavenly Father is reminding us that He is the God of hope, and He says: “Do not lose your hope, your answer is on its way!

Ecclesiastes 9:4 (ERV) “There is hope for those who are still alive—it does not matter who they are…”