Who are you trusting in?

Trust is a powerful factor in relationships. Trust engenders honor. Trust ascribes value. Trust says you are important. Trust says I’ve checked you out and you have character and integrity. Psalm 118:8 (AMPC) says: “It is better to trust and take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in man.” This is not saying that we cannot trust people. There are trustworthy people around us. It is saying that we need to primarily trust God and His word. He has to be first. If we trust what people say over what God says, it will lead us astray. When God is the bedrock of our lives, nothing people say or do will lead us astray. Jeremiah 17:5 (AMP) says: “Thus says the Lord“Cursed is the man who trusts in and relies on mankind, making [weak, faulty human] flesh his strength, and whose mind and heart turn away from the Lord”. Note how the prophet emphasizes that we must stay away from trusting in weak, faulty flesh. We are not to allow “flesh” to turn our hearts away from the Lord. So today, we need to make a personal assessment and see where our trust is. If it is in the wrong place, today is the perfect day to make the needed adjustment. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths”. Proverbs 3:5,6.

It’s time for your soul to be refreshed!

One of the more prominent attacks that the enemy launches against us is the attack against our faith and confidence in God and His word. If he can get us out of faith and confidence, we lose our boldness. This is why it is so vital that we connect with God every day. When we call upon God, and in some cases, cry out to God, He hears us, and His Spirit and His word reassures us that He is with us. He never leaves nor forsakes us. King David said this in Psalm 138:3: “In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul”. He knew that his strength came from God. When He cried out to God, He would receive boldness and strength in his soul. When we go through difficulties in life, we need boldness and strength in our souls. We cannot effectively fight if we are defeated on the inside. Today, cry out to God. He promises that He hears his children. By His Spirit and His word, He will restore your faith,  boldness and confidence, and renew your strength on the inside. Your soul will be refreshed and encouraged so that you can finish strong!