This is the atmosphere that produces life!

The most powerful environment for us is God’s Presence. It is our life, security, stronghold, joy and peace. In the same way a fish needs water to live and thrive, we need God’s Presence to live and thrive in this world. Psalm 31:20 says: “You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence From the plots of man; You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues”. God’s Presence effectively hides us from the enemy’s attacks. This verse does not deny that evil men will attempt to plot our destruction. It does not deny that tongues will attempt to foment strife against us. But it does say that God will hide us in the secret place of His Presence. The enemy cannot enter that atmosphere.  James 4:7 confirms that when we submit to God, we can successfully resist the devil and he will flee from us.  Cultivate God’s Presence every day in times of worship, praise, prayer and meditating in His word! This is part of your mighty weapons of warfare!

What will God say when He sees your garden?

Genesis 2:15 “And the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and guard and keep it”.

This verse reveals something very powerful to us. God made us in His image and likeness. We know that God worked six days and then rested. After that, He looked at His work and He said it was “very good”. He then created us to also be able to produce great things through our work. In that verse, it says that He put man in the garden to tend, guard and keep it. The word tend also means to cultivate. Cultivate means: “to foster growth, to improve by labor or care”. God has given each of us a garden to tend, guard and keep. It is our responsibility to foster growth in our garden, and to improve everything around us by our righteous labor and care. It is unacceptable to let things go into disarray. All beautiful gardens require a lot of work. We all admire great gardens, but few realize how much hard work it took for it to look so lovely. What is the garden that God has given you? Is it your children? Is it your ministry? Is it your job? Is it your community? God worked, and after He finished, He said it was ” very good”. When God looks at your garden, will He say: “Well done good and faithful servant?”