A gift for you, and make haste to do this!

Psalm 119:60 says: “I made haste, and delayed not to keep Thy commandments”. The ERV translation says it this way: “Without wasting any time, I hurried back to obey your commands”. David never delayed to keep God’s commandments. He was quick to listen and obey. And when he would sin and miss the mark, he was quick to repent. He made “haste” to obey. The word Haste means: “rapidity of motion, to urge on, to move or act swiftly”. In a negative way, being hasty without first doing the needed research can be destructive. However, what David was saying was that he didn’t hesitate to do God’s will and obey His commandments. He wouldn’t allow anything to cause him to delay in obeying his commandments. Delay is good when one is considering investing in something important, when one is considering getting married, when one is considering what job or business they are going to dedicate their lives to. Things like that go better when we take our time and dedicate the necessary research or training. However, when you read and obey His word, you are on sure footing! David knew that obeying God’s wisdom and commandments kept him in the righteous environment that provided life, health, provision, protection, wisdom, grace and favor. In most things, think and get research before you act.  However, never delay in obeying God’s commands. This is life and health to you!

This is a master destroyer. Stay away from this!

Procrastination is simply a delay in activating the steps you need to take to accomplish something. The Merriam Webster Dictionary puts it this way: Procrastination:   To put off intentionally and habitually; to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done; Delay.

Procrastination is giving up what you want most in life for something you want in the moment.  

It is putting momentary comfort or laziness before a well-trimmed and sculptured body.  Procrastination is a self-imposed disease.  It is a bitter, mortal enemy.  It is a thief without compassion.  It robs young and old alike.  It takes and never gives.  Therefore, determine today to treat procrastination like one of your worst enemies. Reject it and move forward to your better future. There are countless people waiting on you to activate the greatness within you. 

Ecclesiastes 5:4 – When you make a promise to God, don’t delay in following through, for God takes no pleasure in fools. Keep all the promises you make to him.