The diligent shall be made rich!

Our soul is the center of our will, our emotions, our intellect, and our uniqueness. It is what makes you uniquely you. Our soul may desire many things in life, but many times, our habits may limit the things we can have or achieve. However, diligent people work very hard and because of that, will always have more than enough. It’s not enough to simply desire something. Faith must be combined with works (good old hard work), in order to acquire the things that one needs or wants. The lazy person might want things, but their laziness will not allow them to go get what they need or want. The Lord Jesus worked very hard in His ministry, and fulfilled everything He needed to accomplish for us all. Lazy people cannot be fruitful in ministry. Reject laziness. Embrace diligence in all things, and God’s blessings will follow you!

Proverbs 13:4The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; but the soul of the diligent shall be made rich.

This principle will make you rich!

Yesterday I spoke of the dangers of being lazy. Laziness will rob you of your purpose and destiny. Conversely, diligence will empower you to rule in life, industry and ministry. Proverbs 13:4 reveals that the diligent shall be made rich. One must realize that the principles and laws of increase and prosperity are there for anyone to utilize them. God desires that we  prosper and be all that we are called to be, but we must cooperate with these principles and laws. God rarely gives us the finished product. He gives us many different kinds of seeds to sow into our future: seeds of wisdom, ideas, raw materials, investment possibilities, relationships, thoughts ands words. It’s our responsibility to use these seeds wisely. If we diligently work with and carefully invest what God places in our hands, we will continuously prosper and increase. That is the difference between the lazy and diligent person.

Proverbs 13:4 – The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich.