What are you hearing in the morning?

King David knew the importance of daily prayers and petitions. He was a king, and as such, needed God’s wisdom, strategy, divine protection and provision for him and his people. He also loved God and His presence. He knew that without a personal daily relationship with God, he would not be able to rule righteously, and his enemies would destroy him.  In Psalms 5:3 (EHV), David declared: “Lord, in the morning you hear my voice. In the morning I lay out my requests in front of you, and I watch for your answer”. David went before the Lord every single morning. This was one of his greatest disciplines. Every day he laid out his requests before the Lord, and he expected God’s response every day. The Lord Jesus told us to pray every day. Here you can see two powerful instructions emphasizing the paramount importance of daily prayer, daily relationship with God, and daily expectation of God’s response to us. Make a self assessment and see if this is part of your daily discipline. If not, you are missing out on receiving God’s daily wisdom and provision. Think about it, most people won’t start their day without watching the news or checking what their twitter buddies are tweeting rather than seeking the Lord and receiving His wisdom every day. If that is the case, shame on us!

This habit ensures your success!

Our daily habits either help us or hurt us. Someone said that the success or failure in our lives mostly consist of 4 to 6 things that we habitually do every day.  The Lord Jesus taught us in the Lord’s prayer to DAILY pray and ask Him for our daily bread (Matthew 6)! In that statement, bread is both a physical and spiritual request and need. That includes daily food and the word of God, which is our spiritual food. This means that prayer is part of a Christian’s success in life. If we are neglecting daily prayer and meditation on His word, we are ignoring one of the most important disciplines that lead to real success. God told Joshua that if He would meditate on His words, he would make his way successful. Why would we purposefully ignore the practice and discipline of prayer? Most likely, it is because we don’t really understand just how important prayer is. Do we eat every day? Do we breathe every day? Do we sleep every day? All these actions are vital to life. Well guess what, so is prayer and daily meditation on God’s word. It’s time to make prayer and God’s word an absolute priority in our lives!

Matthew 6: 11 “Give us this day our daily bread”