He covers us with His wings!

In Psalms 91:4, King David used the analogy of a mother bird protecting her little ones by covering them with her wings. It shows the tender love and care that God has for His people. There is also a sense of divine protection so that when the enemy comes our way, he cannot penetrate God’s divine protection. He adds that God’s faithful promises are as armor and protection. It is amazing to consider that when we believe God’s word, and meditate on it, His word guards our minds, our hearts, and our path/journey/purpose/destiny. Next time you see a mother bird taking care of her little ones, remember the love and care that Father God has for us!

Psalms 91:4 (NLT) – He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

God promises that He will protect us!

When God says “surely,” this is a guarantee. In Psalms 91:3, He promises to deliver us from the traps of the enemy, and from deadly pestilences. You can also see that God will “deliver” us from these calamities. That means that even if we fall into a trap, God promises to deliver us, or to intervene so that we would be set free. You can see in Acts 12, where God sends an angel to deliver the Apostle Peter from prison and sure death. In Acts 16, God delivers the Apostle Paul and Silas from prison. The Lord Jesus promised that He would never leave us nor forsake us. I have heard Christians say that they don’t feel that God is with them. Without realizing it, they are saying that they don’t trust God’s promise. It’s time to reflect on our actions and words. King David trusted God completely. Do we?

Psalms 91:3 – Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.