The Apostle Paul counseled us in Ephesians 4:26 to be careful as to how we work with anger. Anger is a normal part of our emotions. As a native New Yorker, I have seen anger every morning during my commute to work. People would get unhinged just because I didn’t move quick enough when the light would turn green. They would honk the horn, and give me a finger sign as they passed by, lol. Uncontrolled anger has put more people in jail and in cemeteries than any other thing. When anger is used properly, you might say “enough is enough,” and anger will impel you to go and exercise because you have had it with your weight. Anger might impel you to tell that bully “enough is enough,” you do that again and I will report you to the authorities, etc. Anger in its right place will give you the energies to do what you would not have done without it. It is not a sin to get angry. It’s what we do while we are angry that can be sinful. Remember what the Apostle said: do not let the sun go down on your wrath. In other words, handle the issue(s) before you go to bed. Don’t let anger fester within you. Take care of the issue, then go to bed in peace. You will be the better for it, and you won’t allow anger to take you to that place where you shouldn’t be.
Ephesians 4:26 – “‘Be angry, and do not sin’: do not let the sun go down on your wrath”