We need to catch a powerful revelation of this truth!

This new year, we need to catch a powerful revelation that God loves and cares for us. Our fleshly instinct and reaction is to question whether or not God is with us every time we go through difficulty or crises. Today, determine to declare 1 Peter 5:7 each day to yourself: “Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you”. He cares for us. This is His word. This is His promise, period. Submit all contrary thoughts and emotions to God’s will, love and care. He cares for you. When you are tempted to question His love and care, catch that thought right away and reject it and cast it out of your mind. Also, make a list of your current cares and then cast them upon the Lord. Let Him take your cares and in turn, He will give you His peace. He is the God of peace and love so we need to be walking in peace and love every day! It’s time to shift from trusting our emotions to trusting God’s word! Our emotions are fickle, but God’s word is faithful and true!

In His presence!

Every creature has an optimal environment that allows them to live and thrive. To the fish, it’s the ocean. To the bird, it’s the sky. To the Christian, it’s God’s presence.  Psalm 140:13 “Surely the righteous shall give thanks to Your name; The upright shall dwell in Your presence“. In His presence, we are made strong. We are cleansed, We receive His joy. We receive wisdom. We are protected. We receive His mercy. We are protected from our enemies. We are secure. We are loved. We see with His eyes. We feel His heart. We get answers for our prayers. We experience resurrection power. We receive spiritual, mental and emotional healing. His presence is the place where we live and thrive. Have you experienced His presence?

Psalm 16:11 “You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy”.