Sorry, I had the wrong perception about them.

Perception is a powerful thing. Correctly utilized, it can help you in every area of your life. We have been given the gift of perception, which is the capacity to observe situations  or people in such a way that we can discern potential problems or opportunities. Some can even perceive if people are being honest or dishonest. Perception is an awareness of the elements of environment through physical senses or a calculated interpretation of people, actions, words or even their body language. Perception however, can become a serious problem if not properly harnessed and counter-balanced with reality, facts, and the counsel of others. In Matthew 13, 54-58, there were some people in Nazareth who could not understand who Jesus was. They had a wrong perception and impression of Jesus. They even wondered where He got His authority from, being that He was just a carpenter’s son. they took offense at Him and refused to believe in Him. Someone once said: “Perception is more real to some than reality itself.” Read that quote again. Many live their lives making wrong assumptions about things and even develop incorrect perceptions about people and situations. the problem about that is if you start with a wrong perception about someone or some situation, everything you think from that moment on will be wrong. This has caused divorces, people losing their jobs, brethren offended at each other because of a wrong initial perception or impression. Proverbs 14:12 says: “There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” Pray everyday for clear discernment and perception. First impressions can be lasting impressions, but first impressions many times are wrong impressions because we don’t have all of the facts. Therefore, before you make a decision about anything, ensure that you have the right perspective, impression and perception. Always remember: Right perception based on clear facts and truth is powerful and highly beneficial, but wrong perception based on emotions or wrong impressions can be disastrous.

The ideal environment!

Several years ago, I heard that When you have a pet fish that’s sick, the correct way to treat their sickness is to treat their environment, not the fish. Once the environment is cleansed or changed, this is when the fish heals. Do you know the who, what, and where of your ideal environment? To be a success in life, business and ministry, you have to ensure to the best of your ability that you are walking in an ideal environment. When God created mankind, He placed them in an ideal environment. The garden was an awesome place. It had all they needed to excel in everything. It had the perfect food, the perfect sceneries and landscapes, they had each other, and most of all, they had the Presence of God! Then God gave man a job, a purpose. He told him to till, tend and cultivate the land. This would require hard work, physical labor, which is great for the body. He then blessed them with the ability to multiply. Understanding this, we can clearly see several optimum conditions for mankind:

  • We have to seek ideal environments that will help us to optimize our creativity, our peace, our productivity.
  • We need to eat the right kinds of food that help us to optimize our health and energy levels.
  • We need to seek ideal friendships and partnerships that will help us to look forward and upward, and will press us to be our best, instead of speaking ill of us.
  • We need to exercise to keep our bodies young, strong and flexible.
  • We have the ability to multiply what God has placed in our hands. This takes work, creativity, faith, and true concern for our fellow man.
  • Above all, we need a relationship with our Creator, who made us with a great purpose. That is found in Christ Jesus!

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Take a moment to think about that.