Are you sure that you took the right steps?

There are many paths that we can take in life. Most of them will lead us down the wrong path. Psalm 37:31 (CEV) says: “They remember God’s teachings, and they never take a wrong step.” One of the most important reasons to have God’s word hidden in our hearts is that His word is like a “spiritual GPS.” It will guide us daily so that we can take the right steps each and every day. When I am using my GPS to get to a place that I haven’t been to before, sometimes I overshoot my exit. As soon as this happens, my GPS reroutes me to get back on the right path in the quickest manner possible. God’s word hidden in our hearts does the same for us. Sometimes we miss the mark in our actions and decisions, But God’s word speaks to us in our inner man, letting us know that we’ve missed the mark, and reminds us to get back on the right path. Is the Holy Spirit telling you that you’ve missed the mark? Let Him speak to you today in your inner man so that He could guide you back on the right path and  help you to take the right steps.

Psalm 37:23 (TPT) “The steps of the God-pursuing ones follow firmly in the footsteps of the Lord, and God delights in every step they take to follow him.”

I joyfully do this!

King David understood the power and impact that God’s laws and precepts had in his life. In Psalms 17:4 (NLT), he declared: “I have followed your commands, which keep me from following cruel and evil people.” Notice that he “followed” God’s commands. Serving God is not passive; it requires our participation. And in order to be pleasing to God, we have to know what His will is. His will is found in His word. David actively studied God’s word, and he also learned from God’s representatives (priests, prophets) in his day. Because of this, he developed a high level of discernment which would reveal to him how to live righteously. It also revealed to him those that he needed to stay away from. He knew that following cruel and evil people would destroy him. He said in Psalms 19:10,11 that God’s judgments are “More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the [f]honeycomb. Moreover by them Your servant is warned, and in keeping them there is great reward.” Knowing God’s word will give you discernment in life, business and ministry. It will give you that “sixth sense” that will allow you to avoid foolish and harmful scenarios. The Spirit of God will bring God’s word to your memory to deliver you and show you the paths you are to take in your life. Today, say like David: I joyfully follow your commands and precepts. 

Psalms 17:4 (NLT)I have followed your commands, which keep me from following cruel and evil people.”