Giving thanks in all circumstances. This is God’s will!

In an article in Sermon Central, Gratitude was discussed, and here is something that was shared about gratitude and greed: Years ago a reporter asked John D. Rockefeller, the richest man of his day, “How many millions does it take to satisfy a man?” The answer was simple: “The next million.” If Greed is the spirit of the age and a spirit that leads to death, the opposite spirit, that leads to life is the spirit of gratitude. Greed grabs. Gratitude receives with appreciation. That’s why gratitude often seems like a radical reaction to life. It’s contradictory to the fallen nature of mankind. Gratitude takes nothing for granted. When you are truly grateful, you recognize not only the dinner someone prepared as a gift, but also become aware of the person who prepared it. You are cognizant of the concern it took for someone to call, to send a card, to give a compliment. You are aware of the love involved in a routine offer to do the dishes, fix a leaky faucet, take out the garbage. You may get a glimpse at the wonder of friends and family. Gratitude brings us life because by being grateful, we embrace the gift that life is. If we take the gifts of God for granted or whine about them, we miss the gift and our life is diminished. Think about that as we enter into this precious Thanksgiving Day week! Blessings.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”