Do you suffer from this?

I saw a small sign which read: “Gratitude turns what we have into ENOUGH!” Wow, that is a powerful perspective. Two people eat the same meal. One was hungry and didn’t have the money to pay for it, but the restaurant owner decided to bless him with the meal, so the person was extremely grateful and thankful. The other person was upset and angry because that is not what he wanted to eat. It was the same meal. What was the difference? It was their perspective. The person that was grateful saw the value in the meal. He realized that he could not take that meal for granted. He could have gone hungry that day. Yet, God provided a wonderful meal for him via that generous restaurant owner. The other person takes every thing for granted.  Each meal, the car he drives, his health, his expensive condominium, his job and his prestige and influence. This kind of perspective lacks the appreciation of just how fortunate  we are when we are able to have the things we need or want. In truth, anything can be taken away from us in a heartbeat. People have lost everything in a fire, a flood, an earthquake, or a tsunami. Today we should really reconsider God’s blessing which is all around us if we have the right perspective! So what if we don’t have everything that we desire at this point. The important thing is that we have what we need. There are many around the world who live with very little and would greatly appreciate what we have right now! Well, are you grateful?

Ephesians 5:20 “Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ”

He will teach you the way!

One of the great struggles that we have today is who can we trust to give us good guidance or direction. The other day, I went to a very large store looking for a specific item. I couldn’t find the item so I asked an employee did they know where the item was. She told us it was in aisle 3. However, even though she was an employee, she gave me incorrect info. I asked two more employees and finally found the item I was looking for. This happens in every area, whether you need your car repaired, a doctor that can correctly diagnose your issue, what kind of school should you go to, etc. Fortunately for us who trust in Christ, God can be trusted to give us the perfect wisdom and guidance that we need! Isaiah 48:17 (AMP) says: “This is what the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel says, “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit (benefit), Who leads you in the way that you should go”. So, instead of asking everybody for help except our Heavenly Father, it’s time to turn this equation around. Go to God first and ask Him for wisdom and guidance every morning. He will teach you to prosper in your way, and will lead you in righteous paths. He will never leave you nor forsake you, so daily walk with God because He will direct your paths!