When the righteous rule, the City rejoices!

It is paradoxical to see how much the world desires to get away from scriptural principles and norms. The further away we get from Godly patterns, laws, and lifestyles, the worse we get as a civilization. God created us to be able to thrive, to produce, to fellowship with Him, to partner with Him throughout our lives, to prosper, to help others, etc. Yet, we as a civilization continue to lower our standards to greed, avarice, hate, evil, murder, unrighteousness, pride, and other actions and attitudes that cause our society to implode. Many will fight to their dying breath to promote these actions and attitudes.  History proves that when societies promote and celebrate these mindsets, actions and attitudes, nations have imploded from within. Conversely, when we embrace the scriptural principles of honor, love, respect, generosity, serving one another, sharing knowledge, disagreeing with respect for one another and the like, we’ll see a society that prospers, and promotes good will among its citizens. When are we going to learn?

Proverbs 11:10 – When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices;
And when the wicked perish, there is jubilation.