Guard that name!

A good and honorable name will take you far. Your integrity has far more value that riches. Gold and silver come and go, but a good name earned by honorable behavior has lasting value even beyond one’s lifetime. We honor God’s name because it represents Who He is. The Name of Jesus is above all other names because of Who He is and what He did for us. His Name reflects His grace and glory. In the same way, our names should reflect God’s love, mercy and grace. It should reflect honorable, godly wisdom, courage and personal integrity. Work on protecting your name. It is more desirable than great riches, and it will point others to God’s goodness, because when they see what God has done in your life, they will see How God delivered you and kept you throughout your life, and they will want that same love and grace for them and their families. Always remember, your name represents you, your family, and our loving Heavenly Father.

Proverbs 22:1 (AMP) “A good name [earned by honorable behavior, godly wisdom, moral courage, and personal integrity] is more desirable than great riches; And favor is better than silver and gold”.

Who actually has more wealth?

Were you aware that there is already much treasure and ample resources in your home? Proverbs 15:6 (NABRE) says: “In the house of the just there are ample resources, but the harvest of the wicked is in peril.” In the (RSV ), it is described this way: “In the house of the righteous there is much treasure, but trouble befalls the income of the wicked.” The world only sees treasure as gold, silver, power and fame, yet we constantly see how trouble follows their wealth. However, there are so many other “riches” that they do not understand. The house of the righteous have the riches of His grace, the riches of His love, the riches of His kind and tender mercies, the riches of His Presence, the riches of His wisdom, the riches of His provision, the riches of the inheritance in the saints, the riches of adoption into His family, the riches of His word, the riches of the peace that passes understanding, the riches of the joy of the Lord which is our strength, the riches that belong to princes and princesses since we are children of the King. This is just a quick list. There is so much more treasure and ample resources in the house of the righteous. The world’s riches cannot compare to the unfathomable riches of Christ, which is eternal and unlimited!