Can you keep a secret?

Nobody likes a gossiper, yet many gossipers do not consider themselves to be one. Yet, in Proverbs 11:13, the definition of a gossiper is one who goes around telling secrets. I’ve often wondered why it is so difficult to keep a secret? Even though we know that gossiping can hurt, wound or even destroy people, many still “share” information with a friend or colleague. Gossiping is big business today. Newspapers and newscasts major in gossip. They might say: Breaking News – “Sources confirm” this or that about a person….and yet, all it is, is gossip which will hurt or destroy them. The verse goes on to say that the person who can keep a confidence (keep a secret), is trustworthy. A trustworthy person puts great value on the trust that is given to them. In my opinion, there are not too many trustworthy people around. If you find one, you found a treasure. Always be careful who you share your private business with; they might very well be a gossiper in disguise!!!

Proverbs 11:13 (NLT) – A gossip goes around telling secrets, but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.