Are you ready for Thanksgiving yet?

It’s amazing to consider that it’sThanksgiving already. Tomorrow, people all over the United States will gather with their families to celebrate a time of thanksgiving. There will also be parades throughout the nation, including right here in NYC. This also marks the beginning of the holiday shopping season. People will spend billions of dollars during this season, just because it’s what people do on the holidays, right? I have to be honest with you. In my view, most have lost perspective of what true “thanksgiving” is. It’s not about eating turkey and spending a fortune on “things.” It’s about being grateful to God for His kindness and goodness. It’s about being thankful for family and good friends. It’s about realizing how blessed we are to be able to have a warm meal, a roof over our heads, a job, good health, and other “real” blessings. It’s time to get back to what is truly important. That “thing” that you buy today will be irrelevant in 6 months, but God’s love for us is eternal. We have to reconsider what we place “real value” on. It is only when we are truly thankful, that we will be able to “see” all of the great things that God has already blessed us with. Enjoy this precious week!

Psalms 100:4 “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name”

Are we truly grateful?

Are we grateful for what we have around us, or have we gotten used to complaining about what we don’t have, like so many people around us who are always complaining.

We see it every morning as we drive to work.

We see it every day as we take the train.

We see it among our co-workers who continuously complain about how hard their jobs are and how bad their bosses are, yet they still have a job to go to. How many do we know today that don’t have a job and would gladly take your place?

Ps 7:17 TLB

17 Oh, how grateful and thankful I am to the Lord because he is so good. I will sing praise to the name of the Lord who is above all lords.

As we get closer to the Thanksgiving day holiday, be reminded that God has blessed us with every blessing in spiritual places. Let’s be grateful for what we already have instead of complaining for what we don’t have. God is pleased with those who are grateful!