If you are going through trouble, read this!

Trouble comes to everyone at one time or another. It’s part of life. It is not fair, nor does it come when it is convenient. But one thing is certain: The greater one within us is with us in times of trouble. He will give us the strength to resist the enemy and stand strong in the midst of trouble. Proverbs 10:25 (ERV) says: “The wicked are destroyed when trouble comes, but good people stand strong forever”. The CSB says it this way: “the righteous are secure forever”. When the enemy comes in like a flood, God Himself raises up a standard against him on our behalf (Isaiah 59:19)! If you are experiencing trouble right now, know that you are not alone. Declare that the greater one is with you and no weapon formed against you shall prosper! Remember: the righteous are secure forever! Selah.

He set us over the works of His hands!

As humans, we were created in God’s image, and as believers, He has given us great authority by His grace. Genesis 1: 26 -27 26 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth”. We were the only creations that were created in His image. Psalm 115:16 (NIV1984) says: “The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to man.” We are His stewards here on earth! Hebrews 2:7 (AMP) says: “You have made him for a little while lower [in status] than the angels; You have crowned him with glory and honor, And set him over the works of Your hands” this means that your prayers, your faith, your words and your testimony are powerful tools in the hand of God. Once you get that, you will stop allowing the enemy to deceiving you into thinking that you are worthless and powerless. Greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world!