Hallowed be Thy Name!

Yesterday, I shared the definition of the word “Hallowed,” which means: to make Holy, to venerate, to consecrate, to sanctify.  When we come to the Heavenly Father, we must recognize His Holiness. He truly is worthy to be praised. The majority of people do not pray regularly. They only pray when there is a crisis. Even when they pray, they will not acknowledge or worship God. Their focus is their current need or crisis. The Lord Jesus taught us that when we pray, we should begin with a humble acknowledgment and recognition of His greatness and goodness. When we are before royalty, or someone who is important here on the earth, we roll out the “red carpet.” We praise them for their accomplishments. We innately understand that we need to honor greatness. However, when many people go to God in prayer, they don’t even think to acknowledge who God is, and they do not honor Him as God. They want something from Him, but they don’t think it necessary to worship and revere Him. When God’s children go to God in prayer, the first thing they do is worship Him for who He is. Never forget to begin your prayers with worship. This will put you on the path to correct relationship with your Heavenly Father, and your prayers will be heard in His Presence!

Matthew 6:9 -In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.

We are His children!

In Matthew 6:9, the Lord Jesus taught us to pray. The word “prayer” in the original Greek language means supplication, entreaty and worship. It is to ask humbly and earnestly; to appeal to, to plead. He said, when we pray, we are to begin the prayer with “Our Father, who art in Heaven.” Prayer is when we go to Our Father with our petitions, our cares, our worries, our hopes and dreams, and humbly ask Him to help us, or a loved one. In prayer, we stand in the gap for others. Prayer is your right, given to you by God Himself. He meets you in the place of prayer, and He stands in the place of prayer as our Father. This means that we are His children. We don’t pray to an unknown God. We pray, supplicate, entreat, ask and plead to the God who identifies Himself to us as Our Father. I might not respond to a stranger if they call me, but I will always respond to my children, and I am only a human. God is perfect and faithful. When His children call on Him, He always answers. Get back to the place of prayer. Your Heavenly Father is waiting to commune with you!

Matthew 6:9 -I n this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.