Avoid this because God hates it!

In Proverbs 6: 16-19, the scriptures reveal seven things that God hates. They are an abomination to Him. It is most ironic that three of the seven can be seen among Christians. They are: A lying tongue, a false witness who lies about a fellow Christian, and one who sows discord among the brethren. There are those who “catagorize” sins. They think that adultery and stealing are bad sins. But they have no problem lying, bearing false witness about a fellow Christian, nor thinking that fomenting division among the brethren is any big thing. Let me remind them that God hates these things. They are an abomination to God! This will bring judgement to whoever practices this kind of evil. If someone comes to you to gossip, or to bring any accusation, or foments division, get away from that person right away. Don’t have anything to do with that. Walk in love. Walk in forgiveness. Walk in the light of God. Darkness will have to flee when exposed to the light of God’s love and grace!

Proverbs 26:20 (AMP) “For lack of wood the fire goes out, And where there is no whisperer [who gossips], contention quiets down”

Is this true wealth?

Today, our society teaches that in order to be happy, we have to pursue great wealth and have many fancy things such as big houses and fancy cars. They believe that if you have these things, you will be happy. Yet the scriptures reveal that fallacy of that perspective. Proverbs 15:17 teaches this: “It’s much better to have a kind, loving family, even with little, than to have great wealth with nothing but hatred and strife all around you.” I have heard countless stories about those who had great wealth, yet were overwhelmed with stress, worry, a need to keep up appearances, etc. Today, many have even left the corporate world and have downsized into “tiny houses” just so that they could leave the stressed-filled corporate world. They realized that they were more happy with less, just as long as they were at peace, and were able to enjoy their families and sleep in peace at night. Finances are needed, but we need to be careful not to embrace a false notion of what makes one fulfilled and happy.  Make sure that in all of your getting and achieving, God is in the center of your life and home. He is our true provider. Also our highest achievement that will bring true fulfillment is having done God’s will in our lives, and having left a legacy that we loved and served our families and generation well. 

Proverbs 15:17 (TPT) It’s much better to have a kind, loving family, even with little, than to have great wealth with nothing but hatred and strife all around you.”