This is sweet and healing like honey!

We have heard that there is power in our words. Well, we can actually promote healing to the body and spirit, and release sweetness to our souls. Proverbs 16:24 (TPT) “Nothing is more appealing than speaking beautiful, life-giving words. For they release sweetness to our souls and inner healing to our spirits”. The Amplified Bible states it this way: “Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweet and delightful to the soul and healing to the body.” We know that honey is a superfood. It is also a healing and anti-bacterial in nature. The Proverbist compared pleasant words to honey. Did you know this? This is vital because we have access to family, friends, neighbors and co-laborers. We can choose to be healers by disciplining the words we speak so that others will hear words of life and healing. Let your words release grace, love and pleasant, life-giving words in your sphere of influence. Remember: Jesus said: I came to give life, and life in abundance. Be an extension of His love. This generation desperately needs this!

This is His good pleasure!

It’s vital that we catch the powerful truth that God is a loving Father. If we don’t receive that in our hearts, we will always struggle with guilt, shame, condemnation and fear. The enemy of our souls uses fear, doubt and condemnation to make us feel like God is angry at us and wants to punish us. Yet, it is the enemy that want to destroy us. God loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to save us and to adopt us into His family. Luke 12:32 says: “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom”. Did you just read that? It is His pleasure! He rejoices to see us as part of His family. He loves to converse with us and walk with us. He loves when we relate to Him as our Father. He is the one who taught us to call Him Father. His Kingdom is awesome! In His Kingdom, there is healing (Matthew 4:23). The poor in spirit are blessed in His Kingdom (Matthew 5:3). The persecuted are blessed in His Kingdom (Matthew 5:10). His Kingdom belongs to those who obey His commandments (Matthew 5:19). His will is done in His Kingdom (Matthew 6:10). All of our needs are met in His Kingdom (Matthew 6:33). Spirits of evil are cast out when His Kingdom is present.(Matthew 12:28). In Christ, we are now kingdom citizens, and all things are new. We do not have to struggle any more. We are part of His Kingdom and its His good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.