Where is the Honor?

Many in today’s society take pride on not submitting to anybody. They take pride on not respecting their elders. This is a profound mistake. Our seniors are a storehouse of wisdom. If one were wise, one would come alongside their seniors and ask a thousand questions. Today’s young adults would do well to honor the precious treasure that is our seniors. Even more importantly, Almighty God has instructed us all to honor our parents. He even goes on to say that the one who honors their parents will have a long life. This is an amazing reward to those who obey this commandment, and it focuses on how important this commandment is. I understand that there are cases where one doesn’t have a normal, stable home, and thus have unusual challenges and circumstances, but this is the exception, not the rule. Our generation has got to get back to honor. We must get back to honoring God, our parents, our seniors, our pastors, and the laws in the land. Without this, our nation will go through a precipitous downturn, and the next generation will suffer greatly. Pray for honor to return to our nation!

Ephesians 6:1-3 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.  “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.


Refuse to sit with the scornful

King David avoided scorners. These were those who thought they were better than anyone else. They were disrespectful and belittling to others. Today, many young folk have been deceived into thinking that it’s cool to be disrespectful to parents, to teachers, to police, to the elderly. Others have been deceived into thinking that it is cool to mock or disrespect God. They don’t realize that this is a snare of the enemy. One reaps what they sow. David knew that so he refused to sit at the table with people like this. Reject the mindset of the arrogant and scornful, and take your place with those that honor God and others in authority. God honors those who honor Him!

Psalms 1 (b) “Nor sits in the seat of the scornful…….”