This is a dangerous and foolish mindset!

I have seen an evil mindset and belief that has seeped into this generation. This belief is that we don’t need correction from our elders. We don’t need instruction. We don’t need anyone to tell us what we need to do. It has gotten so bad that many even get offended and angry when they are corrected, and will even shun or reject their parents, pastors or mentors because they attempted to correct something in them that could hurt them in the long-run. This mindset or belief is dangerous to your future. I understand that some people don’t know how to bring correction, but you can’t reject correction and instruction just because there are some who don’t know how to bring correction. Proverbs 9:9 says: “Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.” When God is going to teach you something, He usually will bring a mentor to you. Even a difficult mentor can teach you a powerful truth. The key is to always be a student. Always be teachable. Some of the greatest lessons I’ve learned in life have come from very difficult circumstances, or from difficult, “hard to get along with” mentors, teachers or supervisors. Proverbs 1:7 says: “fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:22 says: “fools hate knowledge.” Think about it: Wise men receive instruction and become wiser; Fools reject and hate instruction, so they remain foolish and ignorant. Have you been wise, or have you  been behaving foolishly? Are you a student, or do you know it all? Something to consider today!

You will appreciate this kind of discipline!

In II Timothy 2:15, Paul told Timothy to study to show himself approved unto God. There is great wisdom out there, ready to be apprehended by those who love it. However, one needs discipline to learn new things. Learning is a marathon process. Most things take days, weeks, months, or even years to learn. One must submit to a consistent didactic process, line upon line, precept upon precept in order to attain mastery in an area (Isaiah 28: 10, 13). In Proverbs 12:1, the Proverbist said that it is stupid to hate correction. The diligent accept instruction and correction, because they know it is beneficial to them and their future. The ignorant person will reject instruction and correction. The ignorant are doomed to always remain ignorant. Decide today to be like that diligent person who welcomes mentors in his/her life. They will rise to the top, while the willfully ignorant will remain in the same place all of their lives.

Proverbs 12:1 – To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction.